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Preparation for a Wrestling Competition

                                                                                             글 / 서태부 (한국외국어대학교 부교수)

 Max (wrestler 1), how much weight do you have to cut?
 Well coach, I wrestle at 68 kilograms and
 I weigh 71 right now, so I have to cut three kilos.
 Jerry (wrestler 2), how about you
 I wrestle at 84 coach, and I’m about three kilos over.
 Okay. We are six weeks away from the regional championships.
 I want you two to start doing double days (two workouts per day).
 How much conditioning and how much mat time (wrestling) coach?
 Morning workouts are conditioning and afternoons are mat time.
 How do you want us to organize the morning conditioning sessions?
 Tuesdays and Thursdays are road and track work.
 I want you to start with a 3 kilometer run that you have to
 finish in less than 12 minutes.
 After that, I want you on the track.
 What’s the track workout, coach?
 Six hundred meter sprints, followed by four 200 meter sprints,
 and finish with two 800 meter sprints
 What about weekends?
 On Saturday mornings, we are going to run to the top of Eagle Mountain.
 Are you going to run with us coach?
 Of course. I have to make sure you guys run all the way to the top.
 What’s our Monday, Wednesday, Friday conditioning schedule?
 Circuit training.
 I’ve made up a program of five circuits each consisting of six stations.
 Sounds good coach. When do we start?  
 Tomorrow morning.
 What time?
 Six a.m.
 Oh no!

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