글 / 서태부 (한국외국어대학교 부교수)
“Hello Mr. Kim, it’s good to see you again.” | |
“Hello Mr. Brown. How have you been?” | |
“Are you presenting a paper at the conference today?” | |
“Actually, my presentation is tomorrow.” | |
“Ah! I see.” | |
“Are you also presenting?” | |
“Yes. My presentation is this afternoon.” | |
“What are you presenting on?” | |
“My paper deals with problems in elite sport, especially the problem of post-retirement athlete development.” | |
“Wow. That sounds interesting. What kind of development possibilities did you investigate?” | |
“Well, I talk mostly about the need for continuing education for retired athletes. What is your paper about?” | |
“Coincidentally, I am talking about problems in elite sport as well.” | |
“Really? What is the topic?” | |
“I am interested in the cultural aspect of Korean society which forces young people to choose between sport and academics.” | |
“That sounds fascinating. I was wondering when someone was going to write a paper on that topic. What is your conclusion?” | |
“Well, it is a very complicated problem. It has both historical and cultural causes. My conclusion is that a change in the educational system is necessary.” | |
“What kind of change are you suggesting?” | |
“Well, for starters, the academic requirements for athletes in sport programs should be strengthened.” | |
“Won’t that affect their sport performance?” | |
“Elite sport programs in other countries are able to both produce world class athletes and provide an education that will help the athletes after they retire. I will propose that Korea should move in that direction as well.” | |
“I definitely want to hear your presentation. What time is it and where?” | |
“It’s tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock in room 205 of the convention center.” | |
“Who is the moderator of your panel?” | |
“Professor Lim of Seoul National University is the moderator. Do you know him?” | |
“Of course. Who are the discussants?” | |
“Professor Wilson of the university of Arizona and professor Lee of the Korean National University of Physical Education.” | |
“Ah, I see. I know professor Wilson well, but I’m not familiar with professor Lee. What’s his field?” | |
“He specializes in sport sociology.” | |
“Well, I have to get ready for my presentation. I’ll see you tomorrow at three o’clock.” | |
“Okay, see you then.” |
ⓒ 스포츠둥지
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