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Making a presentation at a conference

글 / 서태부 (한국외국어대학교 부교수)
 “Hello Mr. Kim, it’s good to see you again.”
 “Hello Mr. Brown. How have you been?”
 “Are you presenting a paper at the conference today?”
 “Actually, my presentation is tomorrow.”
 “Ah! I see.”
 “Are you also presenting?”
 “Yes. My presentation is this afternoon.”
 “What are you presenting on?”
 “My paper deals with problems in elite sport,
  especially the problem of post-retirement athlete development.”
 “Wow. That sounds interesting.
  What kind of development possibilities did you investigate?” 
 “Well, I talk mostly about the need for continuing education for 
   retired athletes. What is your paper about?”
 “Coincidentally, I am talking about problems in elite sport as well.”
 “Really? What is the topic?”
 “I am interested in the cultural aspect of Korean society
  which forces young people to choose between sport and academics.”
 “That sounds fascinating.
   I was wondering when someone was going to write a paper on that topic. 
  What is your conclusion?”
 “Well, it is a very complicated problem. 
   It has both historical and cultural causes. 
   My conclusion is that a change in the educational system is necessary.”
 “What kind of change are you suggesting?”
 “Well, for starters, the academic requirements for athletes
   in sport programs should be strengthened.”  
 “Won’t that affect their sport performance?”
 “Elite sport programs in other countries are able to both produce
  world class athletes and provide an education that will help
  the athletes after they retire. 
  I will propose that Korea should move in that direction as well.”
 “I definitely want to hear your presentation. What time is it and where?”
 “It’s tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock in room 205 of the convention center.”
 “Who is the moderator of your panel?”
 “Professor Lim of Seoul National University is the moderator.
  Do you know him?”
 “Of course. Who are the discussants?”
 “Professor Wilson of the university of Arizona and
  professor Lee of the Korean National University of Physical Education.”
 “Ah, I see. I know professor Wilson well, 
  but I’m not familiar with professor Lee. What’s his field?”
 “He specializes in sport sociology.”
 “Well, I have to get ready for my presentation.
   I’ll see you tomorrow at three o’clock.”
“Okay, see you then.”

                                                                                                                              ⓒ 스포츠둥지